
WordPress Expert

Web Design


Graphic Design

Logo Design

Service Setup


Check out some of the work i’ve done


Education on Health and Wellness


→ Web Design

→ E-commerce

→ Graphic Design

→ Video

→ Payment Gateway

→ Advanced Contact Forms

→ Large (8+pages)

→ Personal

Bussines Solution


→ New website

→ Web Design

→ Google Maps

→ Contact Forms

→ Medium (5-7pages)

Business Solutions


→ Re-design

→ Web Design

→ E-commerce

→ Graphic Design

→ Blog

→ Payment Gateway

→ Advanced Contact Forms

→ Large (8+pages)

Disinfection Company


→ Web Design

→ Graphic Design

→ Advanced Contact Forms

→ Small (1-4pages)

Bussines Solution


→ Re-design

→ Web Design

→ Graphic Design

→ Google Maps

→ Large (8+pages)

Landing Page


→ Web Design

→ Logo Design

→ Video

→ Small (1-4pages)



→ Re-design

→ Web Design

→ Google Maps

→ Video

→ Advanced Contact Forms

→ Graphic Design

→ Blog

→ Large (8+pages)

Personal Care, Beauty and Home Store


→ E-commerce

→ Payment Gateway

→ Large (8+pages)

Ready to Start?

I will need some basic information from your project in order to start working ASAP.

Please, feel free to go through the following questionnaire:

go to questionnaire